Journey To Cambodia


3pm at Hong Kong’s airport. I met up with my cousins who also had a connecting flight in Hong Kong directly to Phnom Penh. We walked together to our terminal, our nerves getting the best of us. It would be the first time we’ve set foot on our motherland. It was thrilling and nerve wrecking. What were we to expect, we did not know. As we crossed the bridge to our gate number, I heard it. It was all around me. Cambodians speaking Khmer. I took in a short breath, reality setting in. I’m going to the motherland. I’m going to see my grandmother’s burial ground.

After a long delay of boarding and taxi, our plane finally touched down in Phnom Penh. As we’re exiting the bridge, I see a man holding a sign: Phyllina Kouch. I took a moment, unsure if he was looking for me, because that is not how you spell my name. My cousins shout that its me. Even in my own country, my name gets butchered.

The man turned out to be a family friend who worked at the airport and set us up with multi entry visas so that I may return again as much as I like until my passport expires. Down the hall, I see my whole family anxiously waiting, joy and relief spreading across their faces. We all hugged. I knew it was going to be a trip of a lifetime.

A Story: Strangers Do Support the Dreams

Working in the Financial District, I encounter all sorts of people from programmers looking for a sugar fix to the CEO treating their staff just because. (She needs to be my boss.)

Earlier, I met a woman who simply wanted to browse. Literally. I offered her a sample to which she kindly declined. I knew right then she was sizing up the place. We got into a small chat. She told me she had a staff member who would bring treats from the bakery. She loved what she had, so she wanted to see the place for herself.

At that moment, I decided to share the story of the bakery, something I don’t usually do. It’s a story that dated back five years ago when an accountant, who had a fondness and nostalgia for baked goods, walked by a vacant flower kiosk. She was immediately compelled to buy it, so she quit her well paying job and sold breakfast goods in the morning and fresh cookies in the afternoon. All by herself. Five years later, she has two locations, a list of orders, a full staff and still keeps the kiosk. Why? Well, for reasons other than the fact it’s well known, it’s where it all began. She said she’d never trade her kiosk because that little dome is what made her decide to start a bakery. Continue reading

New Goal: 30 Day Yoga Challenge

I have a serious problem. I can never commit to an exercise regiment.   So to combat that, I’ve decided to commit to an exercise, and I’ve chosen yoga. Wooh! Yoga has interested me a lot for many reasons. Every time I see a person absorbed in yoga, I always notice a type of serene and peaceful expression. While some of the poses are extremely stressing, they always seem to find a place of inner peace. I’ve only achieved that inward when I write for hours straight. Curiosity struck me as to how that would feel physically, so I am committing to a 30 Day Yoga Challenge through Youtube.

I found a yoga teacher through youtube that made 30 day challenge video, and, honestly, she’s amazing. She adds so much to the video with her presence. As of now, I’ve gone through 7 days, I can already feel the changes. My breathing is deeper , and the strains unravel bit by bit. I also have mild back and knee problems from sports and it’s relieved a lot of the problems.  Result are good so far! I’ll keep you guys posted.

If you guys want to do it as well, here’s the link:

Surprise Mail

In the early stages of when I was still finding my place in film, I kept a small novel with me every day. It is called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I found the book in a used bookstore for a dollar. I remember doing a general scan of the bookshelves when my eyes reverted to it. It was like it was calling to me. That book ended up changing everything I thought about dreams and became the force behind everything I do today.

I decided to write the author and ask for a signed card. A few months passed by, I didn’t receive a reply. By then, I had forgotten I asked for it. One day, I was really down about life in general. Things weren’t working out as I planned it, and it was disheartening. I went to check the mail and found a very dirty envelope stamped from Rio De Janeiro. The Sender’s name was Paulo Coelho. My eyes almost fell out. It didn’t feel real. I opened it, hands shaking, and pulled this out.

2014-02-20 16.07.52

I didn’t get those words when I first read it. It just flew right over my head, too distracted that my favorite author just sent me a card. And, it came at the best time. Not even a week later, I found the courage to declare my major in film and tell the wonderful news to my parents. They didn’t think it was so wonderful, but that’s a story for another time. This card was so magical and special to me that I selfishly kept it to myself, but now I want to share it. Maybe it’ll inspire someone else as much as it did me. It might be the pick-me up someone needs or maybe it’ll encourage you to reach out to your favorite person. Whatever it is, let me know! Feel free to share your stories! I’d love to hear them. 🙂 Until next time….

All the best,


New Project and Opportunity


(Photo by me)

While I was spending my night editing my script for another competition, I received a message from a friend of mine. He and I interned together in a local production company. He’s a very talented director of photography and has an amazing vision for film. He’s been doing so many great things and making a name for himself.

Last night, he asked if I wanted to be the scriptwriter for a short film he was commissioned to make. The goal? To take to the top film festivals and win. Of course, I said yes! This is going to be so exciting and such an experience. I’ve missed collaborating with others so much that I feel like a social prune.  In all the excitement, I always ask myself If I’m even ready to step. In retrospect, I don’t think I can ever be truly ready for anything. Though, I have the tools and the creativity to make something amazing. 🙂 Stay tuned people! Great things are happening this year!

Written by Lina