A Story: Strangers Do Support the Dreams

Working in the Financial District, I encounter all sorts of people from programmers looking for a sugar fix to the CEO treating their staff just because. (She needs to be my boss.)

Earlier, I met a woman who simply wanted to browse. Literally. I offered her a sample to which she kindly declined. I knew right then she was sizing up the place. We got into a small chat. She told me she had a staff member who would bring treats from the bakery. She loved what she had, so she wanted to see the place for herself.

At that moment, I decided to share the story of the bakery, something I don’t usually do. It’s a story that dated back five years ago when an accountant, who had a fondness and nostalgia for baked goods, walked by a vacant flower kiosk. She was immediately compelled to buy it, so she quit her well paying job and sold breakfast goods in the morning and fresh cookies in the afternoon. All by herself. Five years later, she has two locations, a list of orders, a full staff and still keeps the kiosk. Why? Well, for reasons other than the fact it’s well known, it’s where it all began. She said she’d never trade her kiosk because that little dome is what made her decide to start a bakery. Continue reading

New Project and Opportunity


(Photo by me)

While I was spending my night editing my script for another competition, I received a message from a friend of mine. He and I interned together in a local production company. He’s a very talented director of photography and has an amazing vision for film. He’s been doing so many great things and making a name for himself.

Last night, he asked if I wanted to be the scriptwriter for a short film he was commissioned to make. The goal? To take to the top film festivals and win. Of course, I said yes! This is going to be so exciting and such an experience. I’ve missed collaborating with others so much that I feel like a social prune.  In all the excitement, I always ask myself If I’m even ready to step. In retrospect, I don’t think I can ever be truly ready for anything. Though, I have the tools and the creativity to make something amazing. 🙂 Stay tuned people! Great things are happening this year!

Written by Lina